Winter Blog

Hi Everyone!  It’s time for our Winter Blog.  This is what we have been doing and what’s coming up in the next few months…

Mr. and Mrs Claus came out to visit our centre on Wed, Dec 21, 2016 bringing presents, Christmas oranges, and candy canes to all the children.  The children were soooooooo excited to see them and loved the gifts they received ☺

December 30 is the Inkster Community Child Care Potluck Lunch! All families are asked to bring in a child-friendly dish. Please remember, no nuts, eggs or shellfish. Thank you for participating.



Preschool Room

Dec 2016–  Preschoolers have been busy preparing for Christmas.  They have been making presents for parents, decorating the room, and writing letters to Santa.  (Guess what? He wrote back!!)

The treats continue on Dec. 28 when the school-age children will be hosting a special pancake breakfast and serving the preschoolers! We’re looking forward to this delicious treat – Thank you school-age!! The taste treats continue on Dec. 30 with all groups participating in a potluck lunch. All families are asked to contribute a kid-friendly food item.

Jan 2017–  It’s the shape of things to come: The children will be learning about geometric shapes and we’ll incorporate songs and movement games to expand their understanding. In keeping with this theme, the children will explore creating buildings, houses, towers, bridges and structures with familiar shapes.

Our little people love books and being read to and we’ll continue to nurture that interest when exploring books and letters.

Feb 2017 The Valentine theme of love and caring will be continued throughout the month. We will be discussing concepts of sharing, turn-taking and being kind to friends and working on putting these concepts into everyday practice.

We will continue to work on pre- reading; writing; and math skills by working on colours, shapes, and various concept games. As always, our busy little crafters will continue working on beautiful works of art to bring home to you!



DEC 2016– The Kindergarten children have been keeping busy making Christmas ornaments and decorating their Christmas tree.  They have been practicing spelling CHRISTMAS and SEASON’S GREETINGS.  They have also been playing Christmas games that they have made up themselves. For example- “Treasure Hunt” (finding hidden objects throughout the room) and “Find the Santa.”  In the next few days, they will be making gifts for their parents along with a Christmas card. NO PEEKING ☺

They still love playing with marbles where marbles can be spotted everywhere!  So be careful when entering the room.  

All children have had an active role transforming the cube into a castle where once again, imaginations are soaring high.  They have also built a road for cars to travel on and love playing with it!

Their love and curiosity of nature can be seen both indoors and outdoors.  They have been using the log that is in the room to build things with.  Outside- they are quite enjoying themselves playing in the snow.

JAN-2017– The children will be continuing with number and letter recognition by playing different card games and through hide and seek type puzzles.

They will also be working on imagination stories that they are going to make up themselves and perform through a puppet show.

Children will be making shapes mobiles and once completed, they will get to bring them home.  They will be tracing and cutting out their own shapes with a variation of colors and sizes.

One group activity that involves much cooperation is to build a large snowman outside.  So keep an eye out for their new classmate ☺  In keeping with winter, they will also be making ice fishing rods and testing them outside.

FEB 2017–   The children will be working on making a Valentine’s Day Card for someone of their choice.  They will also be finishing up and making new hand puppets.  More objects will be hidden in the sand table and kids will be actively looking for them.

It’s going to be a month full of Science Experiments including an erupting volcano. STAY TUNED!! ☺



Dec 2016  We have been preparing for Christmas by decorating our room with decorations and handmade crafts. The children also are really enjoying making their Reindeer Hot Chocolate Cones as gifts for their parents in hopes that parents will share them. ☺  The igloos, as seen on the window sill, were a huge success! We have some creative kids. ☺

This month has been a month of tournaments and competitions. In the gym, we had a hockey tournament that lasted a few weeks. Different stations, including skipping, two square, pressure (a basketball related game), squirrel tag, bench ball and a few others, were played and enjoyed by all.

Upstairs in the room, children were having Minute-To-Win-It challenges, Speed Tournaments and Coconut card games. Some of these games are still ongoing today!

Both the children and staff are looking forward to a much deserved Winter Break.  We have many exciting and fun-filled days planned. ☺  

School Age Winter Break Events and Outings:

December 29: Centre Pancake Breakfast

We have planned a Pancake Breakfast for the whole center and the older school age children will be preparing and serving the younger ones.

December 29: Cinema City Northgate

Jan 3-4 2017 Iron Chef Competition

Jan 5, 2017 Bowling at Billy Mosienko Bowling Lanes

Jan 6 2017 Bring a toy from home and Movie day

Jan 2017We will be continuing with more tournaments in the gym, some new gym games will be played and maybe some other games will be created.

Upstairs we will be having different science experiments so be very careful when entering our room and watch out for exploding things!  

The children will be participating in “Freeze Frame” where they will be writing short stories. They will then make a movie by acting out the stories they wrote either by videotaping themselves or though the mediums of clay or even Lego!

Feb 2017 We are going to be filming more movies and have a “Kids Choice Awards” event.  We will also be trying to do a cup competition with our speed stacker cups and come up with a “catchy” tune. So stay tuned ☺

Feb 3, 2016– We will be playing Dodge ball at Champlain Daycare and preparing for the FINALS that will take place here at Inkster. Date to be announced.